вторник, 25 августа 2009 г.

Better Clothes for Babies

Original: Better Clothes for Babies

Submitted by Dmitri Davydov on Tue, 2009-08-25 09:58.

Link of the day - I will pay you $25, if you come up with a cool domain name for me.


In 2005, when Leigh Rubio, a Portland (Ore.) stay-at-home mother of two, saw her infant daughter accidentally scratching her face, she wished for a simple solution that she couldn't find: baby shirts with fold-over sleeves. That only added to what she disliked about the little kid clothes on the market. Baby pants were too mazon.com%2FMillion-Dollar-Idea-Everyone-Interests-Inventions%2Fdp%2F0470193360%3Fie%3DUTF8%26s%3Dbooks%26qid%3D1248519777%26sr%3D1-2&tag=deprice-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325">The Million-Dollar Idea in Everyone: Easy New Ways to Make Money from Your Interests, Insights, and Inventions

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