четверг, 27 августа 2009 г.

All-in-one kits for style-sensitive knitting novices

Original: All-in-one kits for style-sensitive knitting novices

For some knitwear enthusiasts, the best sweaters, socks and hats are those someone knits for you—perhaps even one of Golden Hook's knitting grannies. For others, however, there's just nothing like the gratification of doing it yourself. Enter Wool and the Gang, a Swiss venture that sells all-in-one kits complete with everything that's needed to make a particular knit design.

Fourteen kits comprise Wool and the Gang's do-it-yourself line, each complete with the necessary yarn, a pair of wooden knitting needles, a pattern, a sewing needle and patches. Sweaters, scarves, hats and bags are all among the designs represented, each labelled according to its difficulty level, and a series of video tutorials is even available on the site for those in need of some extra guidance. Peruvian wool and cotton yarn kits are both available in a choice of colours at prices ranging from EUR 55 to EUR 159. Wool and the Gang also sells yarn and ready-made knitwear; its kits are available at Net-a-Porter as well.

While knitting kits aren't new, Wool and the Gang is targeting a specific niche: style-sensitive people who are new to knitting. Its tone and aesthetics clearly play to a crowd that also buys from American Apparel. And there's something satisfying about a kit that includes everything in one convenient package. It's much the same premise that's behind the stylish Safety Box, for example, as well as just about any starter kit under the sun. Pick your style, throw in a little video instruction, and you can tap into a whole new audience.

Website: www.woolandthegang.com
Contact: info@woolandthegang.com

Spotted by: Karitas

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