PickyDomains.Com is a perfect example of how to turn one's talent into a profitable business. With ever expanding Internet and tens of millions existing websites, finding an available domain name that's not already taken by cybersquatters can be a real nightmare.
But one man's problem is another man's solution. Rather than to shell out hundreds or thousands of dollars for a domain name on the aftermarket, an increasing number of web entrepreneurs turn to professional "domain namers".
While most naming agencies charge a non-refundable fee that can be as high as $1500 for a corporate domain, one service that unites 17 professional domain namers from countries like United States, Russia, Australia and New Zealand, decided to off DUTF8%26s%3Dbooks&tag=deprice-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325">Domain Names: How to Choose & Protect a Great Name for Your Website
I've Got a Domain Name--Now What???: A Practical Guide to Building a Website and Web Presence
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