вторник, 15 сентября 2009 г.

How To Make Half A Million Dollars, Writing About Parking Lots

Original: How To Make Half A Million Dollars, Writing About Parking Lots

Submitted by Dmitri Davydov on Mon, 2009-09-14 09:26.
Link of the day - I will pay you $25, if you come up with a cool domain name for me.

Who: Margot Tohn of Park It! NYC: Complete Guide to Parking Garages
What: Comprehensive guide to Manhattan parking
Where: New York City
When: Released in December 2006
Startup Costs: Five figures

When Margot Tohn decided to drive her visiting family to a show in New York City, she wasn't expecting to have such a difficult time finding parking. Being unfamiliar with garage locations was a hassle for them that day, and Tohn knew she couldn't be the only one frustrated with the city's notorious parkin ing from home kept her overhead low, and Tohn was careful to avoid spending on anything that wouldn't generate revenue. In addition, she kept her sample giveaways to a minimum and only hired additional help when doing something herself was too expensive. Tohn has also successfully packaged Park It! in other ways, including creating custom editions for businesses to personalize and give out as gifts. With upcoming plans for an online version and a book for at least one other city, Tohn projects 2009 sales of nearly $500,000.

Entrepreneur's Notebook: Practical Advice for Starting a New Business Venture

Small Business C

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