вторник, 16 февраля 2010 г.

41 Money Facts That Will Blow You Away

Original: 41 Money Facts That Will Blow You Away

Submitted by Dmitri Davydov on Tue, 2010-02-16 12:11.
Posted in: Crazy Money

Link of the day - If You Sell Links On Your Site, I Will Buy Them Off You

Do you think you know a lot about money? Maybe you do. Maybe you don't. But let's see if any of the following facts are in any way surprising to you:

  1. More of our fantasies are about money... than sex.
  2. If we could have any luxury in the world (and money didn't matter) more of us would choose to spend money on a butler and a maid than anything else.
  3. 90% of Americans who own pets buy them Christmas gifts.
  4. Money is the leading cause of disagreements in marriages.
  5. 65% of Americans would live on a deserted island all by themselves for an entire year for $1,000,000.
  6. For $10,000,000 most of us would do almost ANYTHING! Including abandon ine in Japan, it will be laundered. The way they do it is, they briefly press the bills between rollers at high enough temperatures to kill most bacteria.
  7. Women have very fixed ideas on how much they are willing to spend on a bra. 38.3% of women won't spend $30 for a bra. 28.4% won't spend $50. 10% would pay as much as $75. And, only 3.5% would shell out $100. But, you know what? Almost 20% of women say they would pay almost anything for a bra. This is because they consider (and I guess so do a few men) that the contents of what those bras are encasing is of extremely high-value.
  8. Nearly half of the people who sell their houses with furniture included will take all the light bulbs out of all the lamps when they vacate the premises.
  9. Most people won't bend over to pick up money lying on the sidewalk unless it's at least a dollar.
  10. Most Americans think pennies are a pain in the ass and the y playing the lottery.
  11. <

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